Sunday, 28 July 2013

All Wales Boat Show 2013

The All Wales Boat Show 2013 was held at Conwy and Deganwy marinas astride the River Conwy between the 24th and 28th of July.  The show is a celebratory festival of all water-based activities and is unique to the region, with a catchment area that covers North Wales, the North West of England, Isle of Man, West Midlands and Ireland.

In addition to sales stands a number of free taster activities were on offer.  This included taster rows aboard Celtic Longboats of the RWYC.  So it was that Branwen and Macsen made appearances; Macsen as a static stand and Branwen on the water for the tasters themselves.  These involved 15 minute rows out on the waters of the Conwy which at times involved battling against a strong incoming tide - no picnic for novices.

 Brian, Neil & Angie enjoying the atmosphere

As it turned out, all the sessions on offer were filled and an additional 2 sessions had to be organised to meet the demand.  Hopefully, we will have recruited some new rowers and spread the news that rowing is fun.